
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - North Korea
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

On October 9 2006 North Korea had its first what ?


Student Protest
Free Election
Nuclear Test

The capital and largest city in North Korea is



Since 1994 the head of state of North Korea has been


Kim Jong-il
Choi Yong-kun
Kim II Sung
Yi Tong-hwi

The population of North Korea is around


74 million
124 million
2.4 million
24 million

As well as the Yalu river which other river forms a border with North Korea & China ?


Ryesong River
Taedong River
Imjin River
Tumen River

The first UN World Heritage Site appointed in North Korea in 2004 was ?


Tomb of King Muryeong
Acha Mountain Fortress
Complex Goguryero Tombs
Taedong Valley

Which country borders North Korea to the North ?


Russian Federation

Which leader led North Korea from its foundation in 1948 up to 1994 ?


Kim Jong-il
Choi Yong-kun
Kim II Sung
Yi Tong-hwi

In 2003 South Korea had a GDP of $853 billion, what was the GDP of North Korea ?


$20 billion
$200 billion
$400 billion
$100 billion

On which river does the capital of North Korea lie ?


Ryesong River
Taedong River
Imjin River
Tumen River

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012